
Good morning.

We have decided since Briggs is of Cuban heritage we would like to call him Rico! Hope you don't mind! He had a great visit with the vet this morning and was pronounced in excellent health! When the vet checked his ears he said they were very clean. He said it is not unusual to find the ears of little puppies dirty. You and Jay did a wonderful job in caring for him. He is a special puppy indeed - so loving, outgoing and curious! He is eating and drinking and having fun playing with his new stuffed animals. He is also getting plenty of sleep. If we learn of anyone looking for a puppy we will definitely send them your way!

Frank & Matilda

To all our customers - If you would like to be listed on our customer feed back please send pictures and a note about your experience and we will post it here. Thank you, Jo

Due to the Privacy Act and the protection of our customers, we do not give out our customers information, name, address, phone or email, without the written consent. For New customer referrals, fill out the application, then your information will be given to one of our puppy owners and they can contact you at their convenience.

Hi Jo

Hi Jo!


Thought I'd give you an update on our puppy Acorn (Mayde)! She now about 6 months old, has been awarded S.T.A.R. Puppy and will receive her medal and certificate in the mail soon! She has been an amazing and healthy pup. We have many plans for her. We are looking into obedience competitions and start agility soon! Thought you might like an updateHi Jo! Thought I'd give you an update on our puppy Acorn (Mayde)! She now about 6 months old, has been awarded S.T.A.R. Puppy and will receive her medal and certificate in the mail soon! She has been an amazing and healthy pup. We have many plans for her. We are looking into obedience competitions and start agility soon! Thought you might like an update.


Update from Kahlua: (3/20/2019)
Hi Jo,
The trip back to Ohio was unremarkable, but took much longer drive time on the second day and we didn't get back until after dark, about 8:30 pm EDT.
Kahlua has a healthy appetite and eats like a P.I.G. pig! No vomiting, car sickness, diarrhea or lethargy. She's 8.5 pounds (weight from the Vet) of an accident waiting to happen. LOLOL!
She has two switches--ON--and playing with reckless abandon; and OFF--
sleeping like she's dead to the world.
She's very well socialized and that is a good reflection on how well you treat your puppies.
She's pleasant, brave, and already follows the commands of Stay, Drop it, Easy, and loves being called a Good Girl--which she is--when she isn't chewing something of mine. She only goes after MY stuff. This morning I found her sleeping with her nose inside my shoe and lying on my pajamas.
I love her freckled snout down to her crooked little tail. She's the cutest puppy I've ever seen--and the smartest. She is perfect in every way.
Thank you, Jo, for the most loving puppy!
She follows me around, sits under whatever chair I'm sitting in, and doesn't even need a leash outside--we are our own "pack."
Kindest regards,
Jane 🐶

Hi!  (2/28/2019)

Just wanted to let you know that little new, keen, is a huge hit in the home! Everyone thinks hes the absolute cutest puppy ever! Hes been eating and drinking just fine and slept without any problems. He has his first vet appointment on the 6th and I'll get all of the info to you then. (We weren't expecting him until the 4th but are thrilled we got him early) thank you so much for trusting us with one of your sweet babies. I can see the care and time that goes into each litter. Attached is newts first selfie lol if you update your website you can use it. I'll be in touch soon. Thank you again for giving me my best friend.